Article Criminal Law Judgement

In The State of Rajasthan not to make arrest of persons in cases if who is charges under an offence where sentence does not exceeds 3 Years-Due to Covid-19 Rajasthan

Rajasthan High Court issue directions, if a person is charges under an offence where sentence does not exceeds 3 Years and is Trial by First Class Magistrate


Than Singh S/o Bhanwar Singh, Aged About 25 Years, R/o
Bheemnagar Ps Bayana Dist. Bharatpur
State Of Rajasthan, Through PP

S.B. Criminal Miscellaneous Bail Application     

Read more for Basic Rules of grant or denial of bail may simply be summarized as per Crpc


U/s 438 of CrPc

Due to Covid-19 Pandemic and state wise lockdown, Rajasthan High Court issue directions to DGP Rajasthan not arrest a person who is charges under an offence where sentence does not exceeds 3 Years and is Trial by First Class Magistrate.

Para-9:-In light of the discussions made hereinabove and considering the suggestions, I deem it proper to direct the DGP to issue instructions to all the Officers concerned in the State of Rajasthan not to make arrest of persons in cases where accused is charged under an offence where maximum sentence extends upto three years and the offence is triable by First Class Magistrate. The order would remain in operation till 17th July, 2021.

Click here to View Full Order

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