Union Budget 2025 Key features\Finance Bill 2025 Direct Tax proposals Introduction of a scheme for determining arm’s length price of international transaction for a block period of three years. Expansion of scope of safe harbour rules to reduce litigation and provide certainty in international taxation. Rationalization of TDS/TCS for easing difficulties Tax deduction limit for […]
Income Tax
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The Union Finance Minister, Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman on Tuesday, presented her Seventh consecutive budget speech. The budget focuses on four major castes namely, ‘Garib’ (Poor), Mahilayein (Women), ‘Yuva’ (Youth), and ‘Annadata’ (Farmer). Key announcements include a thorough review of the Income-tax Act, 1961 within six months, plans to digitize all major taxpayer services under GST, […]
F & Q Filing an Appeal against Demand Order (FORM GST APL-01)
Filing an Appeal against Demand Order (FORM GST APL-01) Q 1. Who can file an appeal to the Appellate Authority? Ans. Any taxpayer or an unregistered person aggrieved by any decision or order passed against him by an adjudicating authority, may appeal to the Appellate Authority, within three months from the date on which the […]
Interest on Loan for Purchasing Agricutural Land not Allowable
Interest on Loan for Purchasing Agricutural Land not Allowable U/s 36 (III) of Income Tax Act (Kerala High Court) HIGH COURT OF KERALA Mini Muthoottu Credit India (P) Ltd. V/s CIT Appeal Number: ITA No. 76 of 2019 Date of Judgement/Order: 25/03/2024 Background: Mini Muthoottu Credit India (P) Ltd., a company providing asset management services, […]
Penalty for failure to comply with notice issued under section 142(1) or 143(2) or direction for audit under section 142(2A)
Penalty for failure to comply with notice under section 142(1) or 143(2) Penalty under section 272A is levied if a taxpayer fails to comply with notice issued above section. fails to comply with a direction issued under section 142(2A). we shall take a brief overview of provisions of section 142(1), 142(2A) and section 143(2). Section […]
Income Tax Liability on Monetary gift received by an individual or HUF
Tax treatment of monetary gifts received by an individual or Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) If the following conditions are satisfied then any sum of money received without consideration (i.e., monetary gift may be received in cash, cheque, draft, etc.) by an individual/ HUF will be charged to tax: Sum of money received without consideration. The […]
Amendment of Section 44AD and 44ADA Budget 2023
Amendment of section 44AD Special provision for computing profits and gains of business on presumptive basis. In section 44AD of the Income-tax Act, in the Explanation, in clause (b), after sub-clause (ii), the following provisos shall be inserted. effect from the 1st day of April, 2024, namely:– ‘Provided that where the amount or aggregate of […]
Proposed Changes in Tax Rates-Budget 2023
Proposed Changes in Tax Rates-Budget 2023 In the alternate tax regime under Section 115BAC, a revision to the basic exemption limit and the number of slabs has been proposed. The revised basic exemption limit shall be INR 3,00,000 and for every additional INR 3,00,000 of income, the next slab rate will be applicable. The highest […]
HIGHLIGHTS OF THE UNION BUDGET 2022-23-Direct and Indirect Taxes
DIRECT TAXES To take forward the policy of stable and predictable tax regime: Vision to establish a trustworthy tax regime. To further simplify tax system and reduce litigation. Introducing new ‘Updated return’ Provision to file an Updated Return on payment of additional tax. Will enable the assessee to declare income missed out earlier Can be […]
अप्रत्यक्ष कर- केंद्रीय बजट 2022-23 की मुख्य बातें
जीएसटी में असाधारण प्रगति वैश्विक महामारी के बावजूद जीएसटी राजस्व में उछाल है। इस बढ़ोतरी के लिए करदाता सराहना के पात्र है। विशेष आर्थिक क्षेत्र एसईजेड का सीमा शुल्क प्रशासन पूरी तरह आईटी से संचालित होगा और कस्टम्स नेशनल पोर्टल पर कार्य करेगा, जिसे 30 सितंबर, 2022 से क्रियान्वित किया जाएगा। सीमा शुल्क सुधार एवं शुल्क दर […]